User Review | My Experience with ToupTek New SkyEye62AM

ToupTek Astronomy camera

User Review | My Experience with ToupTek New SkyEye62AM

"As a rising star in the astronomy market, ToupTek has injected new vitality into the once-static astronomical camera industry, driving the further development of the domestic astronomy market. It has enabled more amateur astronomers to access once-prohibitively expensive cooled APS-C and full-frame astronomical cameras." — Jiang Wu


User Introduction

Jiang Wu, known in the astronomy community as "Ge Dou Zhi Wang", which means "The King of Combat" in English, is an amateur astronomy enthusiast with three years of astrophotography experience. He won the Deep Sky category of the 2023 Chinese Astronomical Society Astrophotography Competition and the 2024 Beijing Planetarium Astronomy Photographer Competition. Jiang Wu was one of the first beta testers for the upgraded ToupTek SkyEye62AM camera. Let's find out how he evaluates ToupTek new SkyEye62AM through his review below.


SkyEye62AM New Version Review

 – By Jiang Wu

First Encounter with ToupTek

As a self-proclaimed veteran newbie in the astronomy community who has been stumbling through pitfalls for three years, I wasn't very optimistic about ToupTek's cooled cameras. I once told my fellow enthusiasts in our group chat, “While ToupTek cameras offer great value for money, I advise you not to buy them just yet—new products come with inherent instability. If you're willing to take risks and don't mind encountering pitfalls, then go ahead and give them a try.” Indeed, every new brand must prove itself. Prior to 2024, ToupTek cameras suffered from severe horizontal banding issues, which made me reluctant to use them for my astrophotography.


First Impressions

By chance, I joined ToupTek's official WeChat user group through Jia Nan (a well-respected expert in the astronomy community). In the group, I had my first interactions with two key figures, Ka Bi and Dao Dan Mao (nicknames widely recognized among enthusiasts). We often say among astronomy fans, “No brand is without issues; what truly matters is the quality of after-sales support and the company's attitude.” Although the horizontal banding problems were frequently brought up—and even joked about—in the group, no one ever took offense. “Attitude is everything.” ToupTek's staff listened patiently to our feedback and complaints, responded promptly to user concerns, and continually refined their products. Not once did anyone get booted from the group for offering suggestions. Gradually, I came to appreciate ToupTek's commitment to both product quality and customer feedback.


Unboxing of New SkyEye62AM

To help Jia Nan test his equipment (RASA 11 + ToupTek SkyEye62AC), I purchased a RASA 11 telescope and then requested to borrow a SkyEye62AM camera from ToupTek. Ka Bi informed me that ToupTek's technical team was refining the manufacturing process for the SkyEye62AM/AC series to resolve the banding issue. After a period of improvements, I received a new version of the SkyEye62AM camera on November 25, 2024.

My first impression of the ToupTek camera was one of understated elegance. Its packaging included a shock-proof protective case, which was very reassuring. The camera was compact, lightweight, and well-constructed, featuring a sleek matte black finish. The rear panel had two USB hubs for more convenient cable management.

The official drivers were straightforward and user-friendly, allowing users to switch between LCG (Low Conversion Gain) and HCG (High Conversion Gain) modes. ToupTek's Super Mode (Low Noise Mode) is comparable to the "2CMS" mode of other competitors, delivering even lower readout noise. Novice users can simply enable this "super mode" for an effortlessly optimal astrophotography experience.

Note: In older versions of N.I.N.A., you need to turn the High Conversion Gain mode on. In the newer versions, you must choose "High Conversion Gain" under the "Conversion Gain" setting to achieve both low readout noise and a high dynamic range.


Image Capture and Parameter Settings


1.Images and Parameter Setting in Ningxia Remote Observatory



Environment: approx. -10℃; HCG mode; Cooling temperature: -30℃; H-alpha; Single exposure of 1200s; Full moon; 2025/1/16


Environment: approx. -5℃; Cooling temperature: -20℃; 2025/1/16

2.Images and Parameter Setting in Guangdong Province


  • Environment: Approx. 5°C
  • Mode: HCG mode
  • Cooling Temperature: -20°C
  • Exposure: Single exposure of 300 seconds
  • Date: November 27, 2024





Masterlight L Channel


Final Image, December 11, 2024 Astrobin IOTD


Performance Evaluation

So far, in environments above -10°C, the new SkyEye62AM has shown no horizontal banding, with stable overall performance. Due to environmental limitations, I could not test the camera in temperatures below -20°C. But ToupTek is currently testing the camera in low-temperature conditions). These results are provided for your reference. I will continue sharing photos taken with ToupTek cameras in the future.

Additionally, ToupTek's new M54 tilter can replace the original camera's sensor ring without affecting back focus. It supports seamless integration with filter wheels and OAGs, providing an easy solution for sensor tilt issues. I highly recommend using it together with the camera.

